Scoring 124 points in 60 seconds!


One of the best robots for the 2021-22 VEX IQ challenge Pitching in

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(Including up-close images)

Thanks to Adih and Adya for the inspiration for this robot, and thank you to Joseph for all of the awesome design help and driving!

One of the best robots that your team can build this year

Although this robot is complex, it is incredibly good at scoring as many points as possible in 1 minute

Here's Why:

This robot can score balls in the high goal for 6 points each
The large intake at the front makes it much easier to collect balls
The chain-driven full-omni drive base make this robot easy to drive
The flywheels store enough energy to consistently score balls, even then they are squishier than usual
The loader allows you to easily control how fast the balls enter they flywheel
And much, much more!

Ultimately, this robot will allow you to get even more out of your
VEX IQ parts than you ever thought possible


One of the best robots for the 2021-22 VEX IQ challenge Pitching in

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Look a little difficult?

While this robot is competitive, it is not simple and requires many special parts and pieces.  If this looks cool, but you think you might want to start with something simpler, check out "Clamp".  This robot is much simpler, and almost as good as this one (in some cases even better).

More questions?

If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me at

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