All-in-one VEX IQ Mastery Course:
Learn to design, build, & program a robot for this year's VEX IQ Competition

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16 Videos 

2023 VEX IQ Full Volume All-in-one VEX IQ Mastery Course

Learn all that you need to know to design, build, program, and compete in VEX IQ Challenge Full Volume!


Click a module name to get started (4 hours)

Lesson 1: Getting started

Getting Started

Figure out where you are, what the rules of the game are, and how you want to play

First, we will take a brief look at the 3 levels of robot building (I usually build at level 2), then we will do a deep dive into the VEX IQ Full Volume game, what the best ways to play are, and decide on how we actually want to play the game.


VEX IQ Full Volume Summary

A 1-page summary of the entire VEX IQ Full Volume game manual.

Lesson 2: Designing a robot

Designing a robot

Figure out what kind of robot you are going to build! 

By the end of this lesson, you will have a complete robot design for VEX IQ Full Volume

Figure out what kind of robot you are going to build!

By the end of this lesson, you will have a complete robot design for VEX IQ Full Volume


Scoring Calculator

Quickly calculate the score of any Full Volume strategy using this lightning-fast calculator

Lesson 3: Building the basics – drivetrains & arms

Building the basics – drivetrains & arms

Take your robot design to life by deciding on how you are going to build it and then get started! by the end of this lesson, you will have a large portion of your robot built

First, we will take a brief look at the 3 levels of robot building (I usually build at level 2), then we will do a deep dive into the VEX IQ Full Volume game, what the best ways to play are, and decide on how we actually want to play the game.


Linq build instructions

Step-by-step instructions for building Linq
NOTE: If you are building Linq, you can skip to lesson 5 and come back to lesson 4 later

VEX IQ Full Volume Robot Mechanisms

Detailed images of all robot mechanisms from this lesson

Lesson 4: Building A-frames and intakes

Building A-frames & Intakes

Ready to take your initial design to the next level?  A-frames and Intakes are key parts of any Full Volume robot.

In this class, we will cover exactly what A-frames and intakes are, how they are used, how to know when to use one, and even how to build one.


VEX IQ Full Volume Robot Mechanisms

Detailed images of all robot mechanisms from this lesson

Lesson 5: Finishing the robot

Finishing the robot

In this class, we will decide what to do next - regardless of whether you are building from step-by-step instructions or designing your own robot, in this course you will learn what you need to complete your robot

First, we will take a brief look at the 3 levels of robot building (I usually build at level 2), then we will do a deep dive into the VEX IQ Full Volume game, what the best ways to play are, and decide on how we actually want to play the game.


Linq build instructions

Step-by-step instructions for building Linq

VEX IQ Full Volume Robot Mechanisms and Linq conversion

Detailed images of all robot mechanisms (including the linq conversion) from this lesson

Lesson 6: Coding the robot (driver skills)

Coding the robot

Learn everything you need to know about coding your robot - by the end of this lesson, we will have a fully-coded VEX IQ robot for this year.  Adding code like this can increase scores up to 50-100% 

First, we will take a brief look at the 3 levels of robot building (I usually build at level 2), then we will do a deep dive into the VEX IQ Full Volume game, what the best ways to play are, and decide on how we actually want to play the game.

Lesson 7: Programming skills

Programming skills

All you need to ace your programming skills run.  This course is split into 2 videos.  If the code from the first video doesn't solve all of your problems, check out the second video.

If you are still having issues getting your robot exactly where it needs to be in programming skills, check out this video

Lesson 8: Going deeper - a tour of VEX IQ History

Going deeper - a tour of VEX IQ History

Learn to use the secrets of previous VEX IQ robots to take your robot to the next level

First, we will take a brief look at the 3 levels of robot building (I usually build at level 2), then we will do a deep dive into the VEX IQ Full Volume game, what the best ways to play are, and decide on how we actually want to play the game.


VEX IQ History Summary

A summary of all VEX IQ History from the video

Lesson 9: Final tips & tricks

Final tips & tricks

A few final tips and tricks to make your team better prepared for the year.

First, we will take a brief look at the 3 levels of robot building (I usually build at level 2), then we will do a deep dive into the VEX IQ Full Volume game, what the best ways to play are, and decide on how we actually want to play the game.


VEX IQ Full Volume Summary

A 1-page summary of the entire VEX IQ Full Volume game manual.

Lesson 10: Bonus session - claws

Bonus session - claw design

In this course, we will learn everything you need to know about how to pick up any shape of gamepiece you encounter


As a bonus, this course also gives you access to some of my best classes.  Check them out below...

Preparing for the 2023 Full Volume Season

Preparing for the 2023 Full Volume Season

In this video, I want to teach you the specific process that I use to guide my teams though receiving the brand-new VEX IQ Competition


VEX IQ Full Volume Summary

A 1-page summary of the entire VEX IQ Full Volume game manual.

VEX IQ Full Volume Calculator

Easily calculate the score of any full volume match in seconds

Robot Mechanism Slides

Detailed images of all robot referenced in class

Robot Testing Worksheet

Advanced topic - see video for details

Designing robots for Full Volume

Designing robots for Full Volume

In this video, I will design a number of completely new robots with you live as I walk you through the process of designing your own robots for Full Volume


VEX IQ Full Volume Summary

A 1-page summary of the entire VEX IQ Full Volume game manual.

VEX IQ Full Volume Calculator

Easily calculate the score of any full volume match in seconds

Building robots for Full Volume

Building robots for Full Volume

In this video, we will cover everything you need to know to build a robot for this year


VEX IQ Full Volume Summary

A 1-page summary of the entire VEX IQ Full Volume game manual.

VEX IQ Full Volume Calculator

Easily calculate the score of any full volume match in seconds

Robot Mechanism Slides

Detailed images of all robot referenced in class


This is a course on how to use PID with a VEX IQ robot.  Make sure that you have completed lesson 7: programming skills before taking this course - we will be building off of the code you created there

Setting up P and tuning

Setting up a P-loop

Creating a P-loop is the first step to creating a PID loop.  In this lesson, I will show you (in detail) what a P-loop is and how to create a P-loop for your robot.

Coding the rest and tuning

Finishing the control loop and implementing integrals

In this video, we will first cover what an integral is and how to use it to precisely control the movements of the robot.  Then, I will coach you through creating the actual code that you will upload to your robot and tune.

All-in-one VEX IQ Mastery Course:
2023 Full Volume Robot Design and Strategy Session

All-in-one VEX IQ Mastery Course:
2023 Full Volume Robot Construction and Assembly

Make this next VEX IQ season the best one yet!

Meeting ID: 816 1570 6560    |    Password: VEX2023


We will be meeting Monday, May 22, at 5:00 - 6:00 PM Pacific Time

You can access any and all replays 24-7, whenever is most convenient for you

I will be on afterwards to answer questions

All-in-one VEX IQ Mastery Course:
2023 Full Volume Programming and Coding


Replay may not be available because the date of the class is still in the future!

Replays may take several hours to upload and process...

Monday, May 22, at 5:00 PM Pacific

Construction Fundamentals (this course)

Got a question?  Click here to contact me!

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